Consulting Services
Strategic partnership
You don’t have to do it alone, we are here to help.
Time & Resources
The additional support you need to succeed
At Strada Financial Group we work with you on strategy, planning, problem solving, and helping you develop the business skills and knowledge you need to succeed.
One of the the things we enjoy the most is brainstorming with you to produce practical results and to enhance strategic thinking.
Business Consulting
Filling A void in your business
We specialize in providing small & midsize businesses (SMBs) with the added resources they need to identify problems, analyze scenarios, implement solutions and reach their goals.
A few reasons why you should consider a Business Consultant:
- Often saves you time and money
- Can help you plan for the future
- Sets you up to take advantage of opportunities
- Gives you an objective view of your business
SMB’s often do not have high-level financial talent in-house. That’s where Strada Financial Group comes in; we can assist your business on an as needed basis to help you maximize your financial potential.
These are a few of the areas were we can step in and assist.
Strategic Partnering
Greater value with integrated Services
- Providing stategic guidance
- Supporting special projects
- Analyzing capital investments
- Evaluate acquiring or selling a business
Bundle with our other services
- Tax Optimization - Both business & individual
- Financial Planning - Business owners
- Wealth Strategies - Excess business cash & owners personal investments
- Speciality Real Estate - Underutilized business property
Acquisitions & Divestitures
Make informed decisions
- Develep pro-forma business valuations
- Evaluate offers to purchase your business
- Strategize on acquisition opportunites to grow/expand your business
- Assist with pre-acquisition due diligence and post-acquisition integration
- Calming presence when handling the emotions of buying & selling a business
Special Projects
support with projects
- Objective view of a projects viability
- Help you plan and implement projects
- Oversee or mentor project leaders
- Avoid common pitfalls that derail projects
Investment Analysis (ROI)
optimize your limited capital
- Develop financial models to evaluate ROI
- Compare multiple investment opportunities
- Evaluate the strategic investment rationale
- Provide recommendations & advise
Our decades of experience within large, medium and small businesses makes us uniquely qualified to understand the diverse needs of your business.
Family/Individual Consulting
Your personal CFO
Overseeing your individual & family finances is just like running your own business. It just makes sense to partner with a finanancial professional to help you run your family business.
Profit & Loss
- Profit & Loss (P&L)
Manage Your Cash Flow
Often referred to as an income statement (IS) the profit & loss statement provides insight into your ability to generate excess profit (cash) after accounting for all your expenses.
Income – Expenses = Profit or Loss
We help you manage your P&L and help identify ways to generate excess cash that will help reduce your liabilities (debt) or increase your assets.
Income may come from multiple sources or a single source depeding upon your specific situation. A few examples are:
- Job - typically a steady payment by your employer
- Business - could be a side hussle or primary income source
- Child Support or Alimony
- Other - Social Security, Rentals, etc
One of the quickist ways to improve your financial situation is to increase your income. Your personal CFO can work with you to develop a strategy that can help you improve your income.
Those dreaded bills that seem to just pile up and you find yourself wondering where did they all come from and how can I afford to pay them all.
They get a lot easier to manage when you start tracking & categorizing them.
- Housing - rent/mortgage, insurance, taxes, repaires & maintenance, yard care
- Utilities - gas & electric, water & sewer, garbage
- Food - groceries, fast food, restaurants, coffee shops
- Auto - car payments, fuel, oil changes, car washes, repairs & maintenance
- Phones & Internet - cell phone, land line (do these still exist), internet
- Entertainment - Netflix, movies, concerts, sporting events, etc.
- Vacations - hotels, rental cars, airfare
Your personal CFO will help you understand your expenses and identify ways to possibly reduce them.
- Net worth
Track Your Wealth
Net worth is a measure of the wealth you’ve been able to accumulate throughout your life. It is a combination of what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities).
Assets – Liabilites = Net Worth
We will help you set up a program for tracking your net worth, so you can measure your progress on a regular basis.
These are items that have value and can be converted into cash (if required) to meet your financial needs.
- Cash - checking/savings accounts, physical cash, CD's, money market accounts
- Real Estate - primary residence, 2nd homes, rentals, land, buildings
- Personal Property - cars, toys (see liabilities), furniture, electronics, jewelry, art
- Investments - Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement accounts, annuities, pensions, cash value of life insurance
At Strada we emphasize the importance of building personal assets and have the resources available to help you reach your goals.
These are financial obligations that you've entered into with creditors.
- Mortgages - primary mortgage, second mortgage, line of credit
- Fixed loans - auto loans / leases, student loans, toys (boats, rv's, atv's, dirt bikes, etc)
- Other loans - credit cards (if not paid in full each month), store cards, gas cards, payday loans, unsecured personal loans
Our goal is to help you minimize your liabilites and find ways to reduce the associated interest expense.
- Profit & Loss (P&L)
Manage Your Cash Flow
Often referred to as an income statement (IS) the profit & loss statement provides insight into your ability to generate excess profit (cash) after accounting for all your expenses.
Income – Expenses = Profit or Loss
We help you manage your P&L and help identify ways to generate excess cash that will help reduce your liabilities (debt) or increase your assets.
Income may come from multiple sources or a single source depeding upon your specific situation. A few examples are:
- Job - typically a steady payment by your employer
- Business - could be a side hussle or primary income source
- Child Support or Alimony
- Other - Social Security, Rentals, etc
One of the quickist ways to improve your financial situation is to increase your income. Your personal CFO can work with you to develop a strategy that can help you improve your income.
Those dreaded bills that seem to just pile up and you find yourself wondering where did they all come from and how can I afford to pay them all.
They get a lot easier to manage when you start tracking & categorizing them.
- Housing - rent/mortgage, insurance, taxes, repaires & maintenance, yard care
- Utilities - gas & electric, water & sewer, garbage
- Food - groceries, fast food, restaurants, coffee shops
- Auto - car payments, fuel, oil changes, car washes, repairs & maintenance
- Phones & Internet - cell phone, land line (do these still exist), internet
- Entertainment - Netflix, movies, concerts, sporting events, etc.
- Vacations - hotels, rental cars, airfare
Your personal CFO will help you understand your expenses and identify ways to possibly reduce them.
- Net worth
Track Your Wealth
Net worth is a measure of the wealth you’ve been able to accumulate throughout your life. It is a combination of what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities).
Assets – Liabilites = Net Worth
We will help you set up a program for tracking your net worth, so you can measure your progress on a regular basis.
These are items that have value and can be converted into cash (if required) to meet your financial needs.
- Cash - checking/savings accounts, physical cash, CD's, money market accounts
- Real Estate - primary residence, 2nd homes, rentals, land, buildings
- Personal Property - cars, toys (see liabilities), furniture, electronics, jewelry, art
- Investments - Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement accounts, annuities, pensions, cash value of life insurance
At Strada we emphasize the importance of building personal assets and have the resources available to help you reach your goals.
These are financial obligations that you've entered into with creditors.
- Mortgages - primary mortgage, second mortgage, line of credit
- Fixed loans - auto loans / leases, student loans, toys (boats, rv's, atv's, dirt bikes, etc)
- Other loans - credit cards (if not paid in full each month), store cards, gas cards, payday loans, unsecured personal loans
Our goal is to help you minimize your liabilites and find ways to reduce the associated interest expense.
Our Services
Benefiting the Lives of Those We Serve
Investment Management
A partner to oversee your money while you enjoy life.
Financial Planning
Helping you with life’s biggest decisions.
Real Estate Investments
Benefit of ownership without all the hassle.
Tax Advising
Minimizing the impact of taxes across all areas of your life.